Hi all! If you have ANY interest in coaching your child's soccer team, please come to obtain hands on instructions as to what is needed on Sunday July 30, 2023 from 4-6pm at the Roswell Recreation Center (1402 W College Blvd). Our coaching directors will be available to show you the steps and get you set up for training! Bring your cell phone or laptop and we will ensure you know what to do!
Every year, RYSA numbers grow and we need MORE coaches to sign up for each age group. This is wonderful, but has historically pushed our season back due to lack of volunteers. We are investing efforts into trying to head off this problem by holding the early information session. Please help us make this a successful season with properly trained coaches and less stress for everyone.
One major benefit to being a coach (beyond encouraging the love for sport in young people) is that you get to set the practice schedule,
time and location. Will you come out and be a coach? We need you! ⚽️