The RYSA wouldn't be where we are today without the help of all the volunteers that come out to coach! We would like to thank you all for your continued volunteer service!
The link on the left is to register your child and you can also add yourself as a coach or assistant coach.
For coach training videos click below:
U.S. Soccer Learning Center (ussoccer.com)
to upload certificates click link on blue link
Help video link here:
Helpful Links
These links will set you up for success during your time as a coach!
https://www.mojo.sport/ (Virtual Training Activities, One Stop Coaching App)
https://www.usyouthsoccer.org/resources/us-youth-soccer-activity-guide/ (Small group training with social distancing)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2zeMHIiHcFoc2eUBvITkyQ (Small group training with social distancing)
Coach of the year
The "Horace Reese" Award
Most of you may have had to opportunity to meet Coach Horace Reese. For anyone who has not, Horace was the embodiment of this award. He devoted countless hours to not only teaching the children soccer, but also life lessons that the children will carry with them. Horace has done great things for the RYSA, not only as a coach, but as a volunteer in time of need. We found the only suitable option was to name the award after such an amazing person within our community.
Horace Reese passed away Friday, April 7th during our Spring 2022 season. His team took the field in his honor the following Saturday. It is only fitting that this year the recipient of the award in Horace himself.
Every season our great coaches go above and beyond to ensure that the children of tomorrow have the opportunity to grow and develop in the great sport of Soccer! Our coaches teach more than just the fundamentals of soccer and we would like to honor the individuals who invest their time, knowledge, experience, and life lessons to the children who are the future. We cannot thank our coaches enough for the time and hard work the put back into the RYSA, and the community as a whole.